Can Facebook's algorithm be improved?
Salem Ghebremedhin Facebook has the greatest engagement of any social media site, which makes the corporation billions of revenues, but it is also linked to some of the company's biggest problems involving its algorithm. Following Frances Hagen's testimony before reporters and Congress, the public and media blamed the algorithm for the spread of disinformation and inflammatory content. Facebook has also been accused of sensitizing users and failing to safeguard them from some of the site's most graphic content. If the algorithm is to blame, can Facebook change the algorithm to make it better? Sharing and re-sharing are important ways for Facebook to bring engaging material into users' news feeds. It is a mechanism that enables material to circulate around Facebook and reach users who would not otherwise see it; this is how viral content is created. As a result, limiting the quantity of re-sharing acts as a speed bump, slowing down harmful content such as disinformatio...